Learning a new language at any age is an enormously rewarding experience in many ways. While language learning is an enriching experience for all ages, children have the most to gain from the wonderful adventure. Quite simply, starting early offers the widest possible set of benefits and opportunities, because the mind is much more like a muscle than we've ever realized... it needs to get cognitive exercise. Research into the effects of bilingualism on children suggests that exposure to more than one language is an excellent way of flexing those brain muscles and building them up too! Bilingual children are reported to show significantly larger density of "grey matter" in their brains and those who had been exposed to a second language from an early age proved to have the most grey matter of all. Grey matter is responsible for processing information, including memory, speech and sensory perception.
With the inputs from the research done all over the world, we introduce three languages, English, Tamil and Hindi from L.K.G. to V Std. The students of class 6 to 8 can choose either Hindi or Tamil as their II language, and French is offered as the III language. The students of classes 9 & 10, will have only 2 languages, English and either Hindi, Tamil or French. The language chosen as the second language in class 6 by the parent with the consent of their ward becomes the second language for the board exam.
When it comes to Hindi, we focus on enabling the students to speak the language and comprehend it better rather than rote writing. The students of Cl.2&3 are prepared to take up the "Parichay" & "Prathmic" exam conducted by 'The Hindi Prachara Sabha'. The students of class 4&5 will undergo a specially designed curriculum preparing the students to opt Hindi as a II language from class 6. Needless to say, all the languages taught are given equal importance in imparting the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.